AM Expo 365

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AMPA - Conference

The third scientific conference Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications, AMPA2023 covers the topics necessary to develop, launch and establish an additively manufactured serial product in the market.

Zurich, Switzerland

The aim of Additive Manufacturing in Products and Applications is to exchange ideas and knowledge among engineers, designers and managers on how to support real-​world value chains by developing additive manufactured serial products.

The potential benefits of additive manufacturing are widely discussed, but transforming them into a successful industrial or end-​user product is a challenge to all disciplines along the product development process. Designers and engineers need strategies to identify the right components, tools and methods for an efficient design process for using the freedom of design to create benefits for users as well as the manufacturer. Production engineers have to asses Manufacturing Readiness Levels, implement AM machines into the existing production chain, ensure an efficient operation and establish quality assurance and control mechanisms. Examples for AM-​specific topics on the economic side are make-​or-buy-decisions, supply chain organisation, new business models and converting Unique Selling Propositions in additional revenue.

The three day conference consists of exiting keynote presentation, parallel sessions and a plenary session reserved for high quality presentations of outstanding papers.

AMPA2023 will be held at the Lucerne Exhibition Center (Messe Luzern).


Key data

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Thursday, September 14, 2023
Messe Luzern

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