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Herding AG Filtertechnik

Short description

Herding AG Filter technology is a manufacturer of filter media, dust collectors and filter systems for industry. In 40 years, the filter specialist Herding® Filtertechnik has developed into a globally active complete system supplier for the entire industry.

About us

In the field of additive manufacturing of metallic materials, more and more attention is being paid to safety aspects. The metallic raw materials are in most cases highly reactive and place maximum demands on sustainable safe handling. The reactive particle loads must therefore not enter the atmosphere of the production room. However, condensate and dust should not remain in the building chamber either as the quality of a build job in almost all additive manufacturing processes is directly related to the degree of embedded contamination and foreign particles.

The optimum solution is offered by the realization of pure surface filtration with the Herding® Sinter-Plate Filters in combination with safe, consistent passivation as well as integration into the inert gas circuit of the systems. Herding® filter media show extremely durability and, depending on the process, long service life times of more than 15 years. Thus, the use of the Herding® Sinter-Plate Filters makes a valuable contribution to occupational safety, environmental protection and sustainability.