AM Expo 365

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Product AM Expo 2021

Rapid Tooling

Solidtec has been in the plastics industry for over 25 years. We manufacture high quality plastic prototypes as well as pilot and small series in the shortest possible time. The entire process chain is located in the company - our basis for optimal results.

Solidtec GmbH
Dieburg, Germany

Solidtec GmbH is specialized in the production of plastic prototypes, limited-lot-production, small and pre-series in original materials. The moulds are made of high-strength aluminium and the plastic parts are produced on own injection moulding machines. Lead times are 2-4 weeks for simple moulds and 4-6 weeks for complex moulds. The complete process is realized at Solidtec GmbH in Dieburg, Germany and includes mould construction, mould making and injection moulding.

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Philip Kolb

Philip Kolb

Account Manager
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