Additive manufacturing offers the field of orthopedics tremendous potential for cost-effective and rapid custom productions. Less manual work for the orthopedist and easy measurement using a 3D scanner!
Who would have thought? Whether it's a head orthosis or an ankle-foot orthosis, additive manufacturing allows for custom-made orthoses for every area. In addition, the orthoses are breathable, offer a high level of comfort, and can be quickly produced for the customer.
Using a 3D scanner, a model is created, which only takes a few minutes. After that, digital modeling is done so that this model can be easily printed for the customer. Unlike the conventional method using plaster casts, the plaster cast must first be converted from a negative to a positive, so that a hot plastic plate can then be pulled onto the model. This method requires many steps, materials, and skill in its creation.
Additive manufacturing simplifies many steps for the orthotist and allows the patient to have a pleasant, pain-free, and short visit. The complex structures can be easily produced, and the material thicknesses can be determined differently, allowing for optimal comfort for the customer. Every person is an individual, so it is important to adjust the modeling accordingly, where stiffness is required or flexibility is desired, excellent results can be achieved through geometry and wall thickness, which is hardly possible with traditional manufacturing.
Do you have any questions about orthopedics and additive manufacturing? Do not hesitate to contact us, we are happy to help!