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Brand AM Expo 2023

Photocentric LC Magna LCD 3d printer

The 3D printer for series production or larger components is called LC Magna and is a resin printer by Photocentric based on LCD technology. Series or near-series parts can be produced with it in small or medium batches, depending on the size of the component.

Aesch ZH, Switzerland

With the Photocentric LC Magna V2 daylight LCD 3D printer, either very large parts or many smaller parts, such as small and medium series, can be produced in a short time. The build space of the LC Magna is 510mm x 280mm x 350mm, which is approximately half a hectoliter!

The printing time scales only with the print height and not with the area, since a single layer is exposed in one pass. The use of light in the visible range eliminates several limitations of UV materials, such as the use of black resins or in general highly pigmented resins. This results in more reliable photopolimerization.

The LC Magna works with daylight resins available from Photocentric, BASF or Henkel/Loctite. The extensive range of resins includes standard materials for visual components as well as materials with high impact strength, flexibility or high temperature resistance. The printer and the corresponding Photocentric Studio software are open for usage with third-party resins. This keeps part costs low.

The Air Wash L, a washing station with a capacity of approximately 85 liters, and the Cure L2, a post-curing station, complete the Magna eco system. Parts are washed with Photocentric's own cleaning agent, which is neither flammable nor a hazardous liquid.

Come and see the LC Magna on the DIM3NSIONS stand spontaneously or make an appointment with Stefan Heule for an individual meeting at the time of your choice.

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Stefan Heule

Stefan Heule

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