AM Expo 365

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Product AM Expo 2021

Zero-point-systems -The efficient zero-point clamping system

With technological superiority the zero-point system from AMF has virtually revolutionised the zero-point clamping technology market. The highly precise clamping modules with high draw-in, locking and holding forces ensure perfect clamping in the widest range of applications.

Fellbach, Germany

Extensive diversity and high repetition accuracy go without saying. The system demonstrates its strengths in daily production: optimized fixture and tool change ensure minimum set-up times and maximum efficiency.

Economical, strong, precise - Zero-point clamping technology from AMF

  • Increase of machine running time
  • Up to 90% less set-up time
  • Uniform interface for all machines
  • High repetition accuracy < 5µm
  • Positioning and clamping in one operation
  • High holding force of up to 105 kN, high pull-in and locking force of up to 40 kN
  • Stainless steel
  • Form fit
  • Large intake catchment

Innovative technology that pays off quickly

The multitude of high-quality clamping and automation modules, clamping stations, adapters, and other accessories make AMF zero-point clamping technology so flexible. The fast and precise workpiece and fixture changeover ensure an enormous increase in machine operating times.

Increase productivity and profits in your factory, too – no matter whether you are established in machine building, in the automotive supplier, food, pharmaceutical or chemical industry. We will be delighted to explain how to use the AMF zero-point clamping system specifically in your factory and which potential savings you can exploit for your production.

Take advantage of our zero-point clamping technology for your next project. We will be happy to advise you!

Your contact person

Marco Leichnitz

Marco Leichnitz

Export Sales Group Leader
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