AM Expo 365

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Part quality

Very often, the part that comes out of the printer is still not final. How does the part's quality compare to con-ven-tional manufacturing, and how can its quality be subsequently tested or improved? Quality control is of prime im-portance – especially for safety-critical parts and those exposed to heavy stress.

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Ecoparts AG April 16, 2024

Ecoparts produces with solar power

Our photovoltaic system has been in operation since the end of 2023. We produce energy on an area of around 1,000 m2. We expect to be able to use 70% of the electricity generated ourselves, which covers almost half of our energy requirements.

Rösler Schweiz AG October 27, 2023

Internal Channel Surface Finishing: New Technologies and Case Study

This speech Daniele Da Prato presents the results in terms of cleaning and smoothing of internal channel surface of AlSi10Mg printed parts obtained through different mechanical and chemical processes. These techniques can enhance the development of Additive Manufacturing in the mobility sectors.

MessX AG August 30, 2023
Best Practice

Quality assurance with computer tomography

Hamilton Medical AG manufactures ventilation solutions for seriously ill patients. Using computed tomography, the company has been able to analyse and optimise the welding geometries of its flow sensors, resulting in a significant reduction in production waste.

AM Expo 2023

MessX AG August 30, 2023
Best Practice

Why CT perfectly complements additive manufacturing

For additively manufactured components with complex geometries, conventional test methods reach their limits. Using the example of housings intended for hearing protection and a connection angle, we show you how you can achieve reliable quality assurance despite complexity and structure.

AM Expo 2023

Eurofins Qualitech AG August 29, 2023

Industrial Computed Tomography for Aerospace

In hardly any other industry are the demands on component quality as high as in the aerospace industry. From the raw material to the finished products and assemblies, the highest standards apply in terms of dimensional accuracy, flawlessness and completeness.

AM Expo 2023

Eurofins Qualitech AG August 24, 2023

Excited about the future of additive manufacturing?

Have you ever wondered how additive manufacturing (3D printing) will revolutionize industries such as medical, aerospace and automotive? With us, you can experience the possibilities firsthand!

AM Expo 2023

Proform AG August 11, 2023

Micro 3D printing opens up new possibilities

Proform AG, the specialist for small 3D printed parts, enters the world of industrial 3D micro-precision printing. 3D printed parts become feasible in a new quality.

AM Expo 2023

URMA AG August 9, 2023

CNC machining: Getting the most out of 3D-printed parts

With Haas CNC machines, we offer a wide range of finishing options that bridge the gap between generative technologies and conventional processes. This combines the best of both worlds!

AM Expo 2023

URMA AG August 8, 2023

DyeMansion – the post-processing market leader for polymer components

DyeMansion is the world's leading provider of fully networked and completely integrated end-to-end solutions for all post-processing steps of 3D printed polymer parts.

AM Expo 2023

Rösler Schweiz AG July 31, 2023

S1 WET - The versatile wet blast solution for cleaning and surface finishing

Irrespective of whether you must treat your metal or plastic components as single work pieces or in batches, the all-round S1 Wet system represents an excellent solution.

AM Expo 2023

Providers (13)