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Post-processing, surface treatment

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Posts - that's to be discovered on the topic (17)

Rösler Schweiz AG October 27, 2023

Internal Channel Surface Finishing: New Technologies and Case Study

This speech Daniele Da Prato presents the results in terms of cleaning and smoothing of internal channel surface of AlSi10Mg printed parts obtained through different mechanical and chemical processes. These techniques can enhance the development of Additive Manufacturing in the mobility sectors.

neutec werkzeugmaschinen ag August 24, 2023


Why you should choose Makino? Makino stands for relentless consistency, historical accuracy, industry-leading expertise and groundbreaking digital technology. If you're ready to take your productivity to the next level, you're ready for Makino!

AM Expo 2023

neutec werkzeugmaschinen ag August 24, 2023

Schaublin Machines SA

The timeless alliance between technology and precision: automotive industry, optics, micromechanics, aeronautics, medical technology - almost every market knows the famous SCHAUBLIN MACHINES SA lathes!

AM Expo 2023

URMA AG August 9, 2023

CNC machining: Getting the most out of 3D-printed parts

With Haas CNC machines, we offer a wide range of finishing options that bridge the gap between generative technologies and conventional processes. This combines the best of both worlds!

AM Expo 2023

URMA AG August 8, 2023

DyeMansion – the post-processing market leader for polymer components

DyeMansion is the world's leading provider of fully networked and completely integrated end-to-end solutions for all post-processing steps of 3D printed polymer parts.

AM Expo 2023

Rösler Schweiz AG July 31, 2023

S1 WET - The versatile wet blast solution for cleaning and surface finishing

Irrespective of whether you must treat your metal or plastic components as single work pieces or in batches, the all-round S1 Wet system represents an excellent solution.

AM Expo 2023

Rösler Schweiz AG July 31, 2023

AM Solutions - A brand of the Rösler Group

AM Solutions - 3D post processing technology is your partner for industrial post processing solutions and offers equipment independent of the printing process and the part material.

AM Expo 2023

Rösler Schweiz AG July 31, 2023

M1 Basic - Compact entry-level finishing system for processing single components and small work piece batches

As a highly economical entry-level machine, the M1 Basic can be integrated into your manufacturing line as a completely self-contained system. This equipment solution also distinguishes itself by a compact design and ease of operation.

AM Expo 2023

TeSe AG July 12, 2023

TwinTec cleaning and degreasing systems for medtech applications

Karl Roll GmbH, a leading manufacturer of cleaning technologies, will present its latest Roll cleaning and degreasing systems, which are tailored to the needs of the medical technology industry.

AM Expo 2023

TeSe AG July 12, 2023
Best Practice

Targeted surface changes through different technologies

Laser cleaning, atmospheric plasma technology, combination of laser & plasma pretreatment and vacuum plasma for technical surfaces in the med tech industry.

AM Expo 2023

Providers (7)